ALDO BARBERA dei F.lli Barbera s.r.l. -

Aldo Barbera


Looking our supply chain, you can see that all our vendors, the quality and the origin of our raw materials and our components employed plus our ISO 9001 quality certificate, allow us to reach high levels of quality like no one else in our field.

Our entire supply chain is "made in Italy" certificated. For this reason, we don’t have any problem to issue quality and origin certificates about our products, materials employed and components.
ALDO BARBERA dei F.lli Barbera s.r.l.
Via Torino, 22 - 10032 BRANDIZZO - Italy
Tel. +39 011 9139127 - Fax +39 011 9138517
email: aldobarbera@aldobarbera.com
P.IVA e C.F.: 04551770011 - R.E.A. Torino 644951
Albo Imprese Artigiane n.175789 - R.I. Torino n.411/1984
EXP M. 8115787
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